Breaking the Stigma around Black Men and Mental Health:

This video explores a Black man’s journey with therapy and the broader conversation around mental health among Black men.

Sharing Hope: Mental Wellness in Black Communities

A three-part video series by NAMI that explores mental wellness in Black communities through dialogue and storytelling.

The Conversation: Mental Health in Black Communities

A series of trainings and webinars focused on mental health in Black communities, available for free.

BEAM: Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective

Mental Health: A Guide for African Americans and Their Families –

This video by the American Psychiatric Association covers common types of mental illness, treatment options, and healthcare providers who can help.

VOICES: Mental Health and the Black Community –

This video features Black Pittsburghers sharing their experiences with mental health and overcoming stigma.

African Americans and Mental Health Stigma: Mental Health in a Minute –

 A brief video discussing the stigma around mental health in the African American community.